Frequently asked Questions
As of January 1 2024, you may only purchase 1 firearm per month. This includes rifles, shotguns, handguns and receiver/frames.
Private party transfers are still currently unlimited for the rest of this year. This will changed, Jan 1. 2025.
They do not count as your 1 in 30 purchase.
Family transfers per the state of California are able to be conducted at the CFARS website. This type of transaction is limited to lineal family line such as parents to children and also children to parents and up and down the line. Spouses can also use the operation of law transfer on the CFARS website.
For brother, sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles.
You would use firearm shop and conduct the transfer as a private party transfer.
Ammunition (ammo, AKA freedom seeds) are regulated in CA.
There are age restrictions depending on the ammo.
21 - pistol ammo
18- rifle and shotgun ammo
An eligibility check is required at this time, and is based on firearm ownership.
Please click the link for an outline on the procedure.
Click here for Seeking info
Find the “buying process article”.
CA DOJ background checks cost $37.19, and a dealer may add up to $10 per firearm.
The private party transfers are limited to the same.
Generally, CA has 10 day waiting period, and it is down to the minute. (Ex: you buy your firearm at 9:30am on the 1st, you would have to wait until 9:30am on the 11th to be able to pick up your firearm.
This can be purchased in store for $25.
There is a 30 question test consisting of T/F and multiple choice questions.
The certifcate is valid for 5 years.